WCEC Making Plans for ETREYS
Quitman, TX - Wood County Electric Cooperative, Inc. along with eight other east Texas cooperatives are making plans for the 18th annual East Texas Rural Electric Youth Seminar (ETREYS)...More>
Broadband Over Power Lines
Broadband over power lines (BPL) continues to be a topic of interest...More>
WCEC Returns $1,500,000 to Its Members
Quitman, TX - Part of connecting our community involves the cash payment of capital credits. More>
Employee of WCEC participates in "Race for the Cure"
Austin, TX - Corie Wyrick, better known as the "SMARTPOWER" representative at WCEC particpated in "Race for the Cure" in Austin, Texas. She described the entire day as "emotional and inspiring..." More>
WCEC Named 2005 Aggie 100 Honoree
College Station, TX - WCEC was among firms selected for the inaugural "Aggie 100" list of the fastest-growing companies owned and operated by Texas A&M University former students. More>
Bull Dozier Accident Causes Power Outage
Quitman, TX - On Monday evening, October 17th, around 5:00 p.m., a tree was knocked into AEP/SWEPCO transmission lines which feed five Wood County Electric Cooperative substations. More >
WCEC Donates Chairs
Quitman, TX - Wood County Electric Cooperative donated 30 used chairs to Mustard Seed Ministries located in Tyler at the Cedar Creek Methodist Church. More>
Responding to Rita
Quitman, TX - Just two weeks after Wood County Electric Cooperative crews returned home from Louisiana where they helped re-build after Hurricane Katrina ravished the Gulf Coast, they are now responding to Rita. More>
Wood County Electric Cooperative Hosts 67th Anniversary Celebration
Quitman, TX - Wood County Electric Cooperative, Inc. will host their 67th anniversary celebration at the Annual Meeting of members at 2:00 p.m., Friday, October 7, at Governor Jim Hogg City Park in Quitman, Texas. More>
Alleged Scam Artist Arrested in Yantis
Quitman, TX - The man allededly acting as a utility worker to prey on elderly residents of Wood County has been arrested, according to Wood County Sheriff Chief Deputy Miles Tucker.
WCEC Sends Help to Lousiana
Quitman, TX - Six employees of Wood County Electric Cooperative are Gulf Coast-bound to help rebuild power lines downed in the wake of Hurricane Katrina...More>
WCEC Employees Out and About in the Community
Quitman, TX - Wood County Electric Cooperative is proud to provide reliable electric service to our members in the nine counties we service throughout rural Northeast Texas. We are also committed to supporting our members through sponsorship and participation...More>
WCEC Reports Individual Posing as a Co-op Employee
Quitman, TX - During the past few days, Wood County Electric Cooperative has had a confirmed report that an individual posing as a WCEC employee or from the REA has approached someone’s home on fictitious business. More>
WCEC Announces Successful “Pre-Paid Power” Program
Quitman, TX and Burnaby, BC, August 2, 2005 – Wood County Electric Cooperative and Info
Touch Technologies (TSXV: IFT) today jointly announced initial results of their self-service, pre-paid power program. More>
2005 ETREYS Scholarship Winners
Quitman, TX - Wood County Electric Cooperative is happy to announce that two students won scholarships at the 2005 East Texas Rural Electric Youth Seminar...More>
WCEC Awards $10,000 to Area High School Students
Quitman, Texas - Recently Wood County Electric Cooperative awarded $10,000 to ten
ambitious graduating seniors within the WCEC service area. More>
Texas Co-op Power Magazine
Every month Wood County Electric Cooperative is featured in the Texas Co-op Power magazine. If you didn't get a chance to check out the magazine, click on the links below to see what's been happening at WCEC and the communities it serves!