Wood County Electric Co-op Hosts 67th Anniversary Celebration
Wood County Electric Cooperative, Inc. will host their 67th anniversary celebration
during the Annual Meeting of members at 2:00 p.m., Friday, October 7, at Governor
Jim Hogg City Park in Quitman, Texas.
The annual membership meeting is held to provide members with the opportunity to elect
directors and give updates on important cooperative operations and financial information.
Casey Rivers, a well-known east Texas performer, will provide entertainment from 1:00
to 2:00 p.m. with the business meeting immediately following. Door prizes will be given
away to all the members that register, along with a grand prize drawing of a $500
credit on their electric bill.
Debbie Robinson, Wood Count Electric Cooperative CEO/General Manager, invites all members
to attend and help us celebrate 67 years of service.