WCEC Sends Help to Louisiana

Quitman, TX, August 29, 2005 - Six employees of Wood County Electric Cooperative

are Gulf Coast-bound to help rebuild power lines downed in the wake of Hurricane Katrina,

a Category 4 hurricane that struck the coast of Louisiana and Mississippi early Monday.

The six volunteers, pictured below left to right, include Craig Kizer, Daniel Miller, Buster

Hood, Kody Keith, Wesley Price and kneeling Donny Brown. The crew left Tuesday, August

30 to drive to Houma, Louisiana and meet up with other crews to receive instructions and begin

their restoration and repair work.

“We send personnel after such devastation simply because that is the ‘cooperative way,’

and we want to do all we can to help our neighbors,” said Debbie Robinson, WCEC

CEO/General Manager.“These six men are highly trained in electrical construction

work and will work long hours to rebuild and restore power to the areas affected by

Hurricane Katrina.”