Community Programs
Every year, Wood County Electric Cooperative awards college scholarships
to high school seniors and adult learners throughout our service area.
Those who want to be considered should submit a scholarship application. Applications are due no later than April 1, 2006.
Safety Programs
We provide access to a wide variety of community safety programs, from
school programs on using electricity safely to the National Child
Identification Program to protect our children.
Youth Programs
Wood County Electric Cooperative also participates in programs directed at young people in our community. The East Texas Rural Electric Youth Seminar (ETREYS) program, for example, trains high school students in leadership skills. And the Rural Electric Youth Tour sends more than a thousand high school students to Washington, D.C. every year, including young people from communities in our service area.
Contact Information
Call us at (903) 763-2203 to learn more about our participation in these and other programs for youth. Or e-mail us at