

brings together a full toolbox of features designed
to give customized end-to-end control
of your contingent workforce flow.

Requisition Receipt and Processing

screen imageThrough Contingent3 web interface, a hiring manager enters a requirement into the system by either selecting a pre-defined template or entering a new requirement. Work requirement templates are defined during the implementation phase along with negotiated rate structure.

Submitted work request are routed to a Human Resource (HR) manager who is notified by email. HR manager for every request decides the approval structure.

Contingent3 sends email notifications to approvers in each successive level advising them that a request is awaiting their review and approval.

If the request is declined, Contingent3 sends an email notification, with the reason to the Hiring Manager and HR manager who developed and submitted the request.

Once the newly created requirement has been approved,the requirement will be submitted to the approved vendors who have agreed to the guidelines and performance criteria.

HR manager will be able to define the cu-off date for submitting resumes along with the number of resumes a vendor can submit

Contingent3 is fantastic!

“Contingent3 has given us total customized work flow control of all our contingent work force needs and at a great price!”

HR Manager

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